LIVE with Colledge | Getting Educated about Colleges

The actual and virtual college visit

As the COVID cloud seems to be lifting, college visiting season has arrived.  And believe it or not, there is a method to the visit madness.

Over the years, Colledge team members have toured hundreds of campuses.  We’ll be drawing on that experience during our next free LIVE with Colledge session on Thurs, March 24th, at 6 pm PST.  With the added wisdom of Radia Alouache, Senior Director of Undergraduate Admissions for Loyola Marymount University, we’ll be unpacking how to the get the most out of college visits, including:

  • key questions to ask during your tour
  • how to capture your visit in ways that will help you make decisions down the line
  • what families can do to help students think through what might (and might not) resonate with them when visiting a campus
  • what makes visits less-than-vivifying and how to avoid it

To sign up for Getting Educated about Colleges, click HERE.

The college visit is just one of the many parts of the college admissions journey that help families navigate their way through the process, and we’re available to work with you and your student, no matter where you are on the road to college.  To schedule a free introductory call to learn more about our services, click HERE.