Do UC What I See? A closer look at the UC Application

The University of California is regarded by many as the jewel of public education in the U.S.—and with good reason!  With world-renowned faculty, tier-one research opportunities, and over 150 majors to choose from, all on lush campus settings up and down the Golden State, there’s a UC for everyone.

The problem for applicants is…well…getting in. With nearly 150,000 applications last year, UCLA is the most popular university in the country–and it’s not just UCLA.  The rising popularity of the UCs means that successful applications require a deft hand, and finesse.

Colledge’s applications experts Kelsey Torosyan and James Hayashi walked through each section of the UC app in our Colledge Talk | Do UC What I See? No one applying to the UCs should miss.

James and Kelsey pull from their experience to

  • share common pitfalls and shed light on tricky parts of the app
  • give you a peek into how UC admissions officers use the application
  • offer your their best advice making sure your essence shines through

At Colledge, we’ve helped hundreds of students through the UC application, and we know the application backwards and forwards. We have our ears to the ground, and we are looking forward to sharing what is on the horizon for the University of California system.

We know a crisp and compelling UC application can make a massive difference in your college application process.