Admissions Chats | CU Boulder

Rocky Mountain Admissions

We talk a lot about college admissions in the abstract, but sometimes it helps to delve into the particulars.  That’s why we’re launching a new series called Admissions Chats—short online events focused on a particular school and how it approaches decisions on who gets in and who doesn’t.

First up is University of Colorado Boulder, whose assistant director of admissions Laurie Callaway will join us on Tuesday, April 5 at 6 p.m. PST.  Laurie will offer details on CU Boulder’s admission and enrollment trends.  She’ll talk through the great testing debate—test-blind, test-optional, test-mandatory, and everything in between.  And she’ll offer experience-based guidance on how students might think differently about their college lists this year.  And with Laurie’s insights, we’ll delve deep into the post-pandemic backlog of deferred admissions, and how that continues to affect the college application landscape.

Sign up for this free event HERE.

Whether it’s general or specific advice you’re looking for, Colledge offers more than five decades of experience in college admissions—in colleges, high schools, and independent counseling.  To schedule a free introductory call to learn more about our college advising services, click HERE.