The Most Painful Part of Applying to College: Waiting

Colledge College Admissions Advising February Waiting Blog
Applying to college is tough.

And if you know a high school senior (especially if that senior has taken up shop in your home), you know the madness that often accompanies fall of senior year. With flurries of essay drafts, hair-pulling, college visits, obsessive re-writing, interviews, seemingly random bouts of joy and despair, even more writing, and (possibly) tears , the deadlines have come and gone. And, believe it or not, now comes the hardest part: waiting.

We at Colledge know just how hard this time of year can be. And we want you to know that there are action steps students can take now that will help with the important decisions they’ll have to make coming down the line.

  • Check applicant portals – Portals are where a school will tell you if your high school hasn’t sent something important like your transcript, where they sometimes give you a surprise extra essay prompt (yes, I’m lookin’ at you, Grinnell!), where they’ll offer you admission at their school, and where they’ll tell you if they’re giving you some money 😀.
  • Continue researching colleges – Spending time researching and reflecting on your potential college list in the spring will help you be ready to choose which college you attend by National Decision Day, which is on May 1 – it’s sooner than it feels.
  • Write personalized notes – Valentine’s day is coming up, and it’s a great time to write love notes to your colleges and thank everyone who has helped you from your high school college counselors to your teachers to your parents.

While the pre-deadline season is intense, it is a time when students are actually in control. There are essays to be worked on, admissions officers to talk to, interviews to be scheduled, complaints to be shared and perfected applications to submit. But as the hours, days, weeks and months tick by with no news from your applied-to colleges, all of that work you put in seems long ago and confidence might begin to evaporate.

The truth is, waiting is really, really hard. But if you can take a breath, and trust your good work, the admissions professionals, and the process, you’ll have your answers before you know it. And after decades of doing this work, we can assure you without a doubt that you will be okay no matter what happens with your college admissions process.

If you have younger friends, pass on the wisdom you gained about the process having just gone through it.  And if they’re a little lost, or even if they just have questions – have them reach out to us to schedule their Student Assessment for Admissions and get started on their journey.