LIVE with Colledge | The Persnickety Process

Colledge College Admissions Consulting Selective Colleges Blog
Highly Selective Colleges

There are lots of good colleges out there.  But a handful seem to take up a lot of oxygen in the college admission room.  In the business, we call them “highly selective colleges.”  And so much—too much— of the conversation about college admissions focuses on what it takes to get into them.

In LIVE with Colledge | The Persnickety Process, Kelsey Torosyan, Colledge’s Director of Admission Services and James Hayashi, our Admissions Manager, drill down into the admissions process at highly selective colleges.  We unpack the inner workings of highly selective college admissions, talk through the top 3 institutional priorities such colleges share, empower you to make informed choices about best right-fit colleges, and review our Colledge Rubric for list development to narrow down your college list.

Click HERE to watch the recording now

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At Colledge, we take a broader approach to college admissions that is focused less on the on the big names and rankings than the “best right fit” colleges for each student. 

But it can and does help to understand highly selective colleges—not because every student should aspire to attend one, but because learning lessons from selective colleges helps every student gets into the best right fit college for them.

And if you’re looking for help understanding selectivity and finding the best right fit for you, click HERE to sign up for a free introductory call.