Happy Holidays from Colledge

Colledge College Admissions Advising Holiday Blog 2
The Gift of the Season: Time

With turkey (or tofurkey), mashed potatoes, and yams in the rearview mirror, things are decidedly starting to look a lot like…Christmas.

Whether you’re taking the DIY approach (at Colledge, we loved exchanging hand-made hats, water colors and even poems to celebrate), hunting down online deals, or traipsing to the mall, in this busy season, the one gift on everyone’s wish list is more time.  (But if you happen to be one of the fortunate few with tons of leisure, we have hours and hours of informative college admissions content for you!)

And as parents, one of the most profound “gifts of time” you can provide your child is starting them early on the admissions process.  Because when families start applications late, it adds stress, reduces application quality, and results in fewer successful outcomes.  So when should your child begin thinking about college?  Summer before senior year?  April prior?  As a sophomore? If starting late means fewer ‘yeses’, does starting earlier mean more?

When you’re working with Colledge, the answer is YES. Starting earlier means more time to absorb and digest the tremendous amount of information out there.  It’s never too early for your student to learn about colleges and, more importantly, themselves.

And if you’d like MORE information on how to help your child use their time intentionally, stay tuned to our events page and join us for #SummerPlanning on Sunday, January 15 at 6:00 pm – click HERE to sign up. Spoiler alert: viewers will receive the gift of time — our SummerPlanning Timetable!

So this holiday season, if you’d like to give your child the gift of time and a better process, reach out to us — and if you ask us about our about-to-expire 2022 specials, you might even get something more than a lump of coal in your stocking. 

As our gift to you, here’s our Colledge Parent Timeline 2022 (click to download), which details what parents can do to help their child through the next 15 months.

From the Colledge Team (and our many Colledge animals), Happy Holidays!