
As a new year begins and the coronavirus continues to fundamentally alter the college admissions landscape, Colledge offers comprehensive, clear-headed guidance through its College Admissions Literacy series of online presentations.

Hosted by Colledge founder Jenny Umhofer and Director of Admission Services Kelsey Torosyan, #SummerPlanning, the year’s first College Admissions Literacy presentation will provide critical insight on several subjects, including:

  • How to make the most of summer 2021, including online and in-person pre-college summer programs and Kelsey’s Top 10 Ways to Spend the Summer for college-bound students.
  • Updates on where things stand in the 2020-21 admissions process.
  • How juniors and parents can think about college admissions differently in light of the changes wrought by the coronavirus.
  • Predictions on how things will work during the 2021-22 admissions season.


While the coronavirus has introduced a massive amount of uncertainty into all of our lives, there are clear indications from colleges and universities about what students and families can do to maximize their chances for college admissions success. And summer is a great time to get ahead of the curve with foresight, planning and organization. At Colledge, we’re constantly monitoring the signals from schools across the country and adjusting our advice to clients and our approach to support students and families’ efforts to find the right best fit colleges.

To sign up for our #SummerPlanning presentation, CLICK HERE.

And to learn more about how your child can have a calm, meaningful experience with their college planning in 2021, CLICK HERE to set up a free phone consultation.

This is a past event, please click HERE to watch the recording.