The Colledge Difference

At Colledge, we start by meeting our students where they are and quickly develop a plan that works for them.  This year, we helped quite a few students with early admission strategies, and it paid off.  Michelle and Selena are just two examples.

Michelle came to us late in the summer before senior year.  She was a wicked-smart student, as well as an extremely talented vocalist and budding creative writer.  Michelle actually didn’t know how extraordinary she was or how to navigate the college search process.  She worried about getting rejected from too many colleges, which is typically a great thing to keep in mind when building the college list. Although we rarely suggest students add more highly selective colleges to the list, we knew Michelle had unique artistic talents that Stanford might find appealing.  After suggesting a whole range of “best fit” colleges, including many small liberal arts schools, we highlighted a special Stanford choral program. Michelle visited the campus and was able to connect with the choral director and observe a senior seminar creative writing class.  She was genuinely inspired and applied under Stanford’s restrictive early action option.  Michelle couldn’t believe she was accepted to Stanford’s class of 2023.  But we could!

On a different note, Selena was ready to take the world by storm, but didn’t know where to begin.  So much of what was driving her college list was the influence of her sister, a BU student who loved college.  After listening to all of her deeper hopes and dreams for college, we helped Selena narrow down her areas of study to fashion design, advertising and architecture.  Jessica, our team lead, and I discussed business, art, and liberal studies, and we recommended Selena apply to NYU’s Gallatin School for Independent Study.  This program would allow her to pursue all of her options in college, without sacrificing any of her interests.  Selena didn’t have to decide on a major, because we helped her find the exact program that would help her develop her interests further.  She was accepted early to NYU’s Gallatin School class of 2023 and was thrilled!

Our Colledge students who applied under the early admission options (early action, early decision and restrictive early action) were accepted to more than 87% of their colleges.  Stanford, Georgetown, Scripps College, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Carnegie Mellon, Wellesley and Cooper Union are just a few saying yes to our students.  And we are incredibly proud.  Congratulations to our 2019 seniors!

At Colledge, our team approach is our signature.  Our students meet with us more often and gain valuable insights into admissions trends and likely outcomes. To learn more about how your child can make the most of their college planning starting now, click HERE.