Summer’s Here. Are You College-App Ready?

Many parents worry about whether their child is good enough to get into their top choice school.  They waste resources on excessive test prep and summer programs, and they don’t take the right steps during the summer to ensure their child reaches their college goals.

Admissions is a moving target.  It is unpredictable and harder than ever to forecast precise outcomes, especially given the unpredictability of COVID-19’s effect on colleges.  But in spite of this, there are things your child can do to maximize their potential with college applications.

At Colledge, we help students decide on their final college list early in the summer and create individualized calendars with micro-deadlines for each essay and college application.  We include time for strategic college research, and brainstorming, writing rough drafts, rewriting, editing and polishing essays.  Our clients also participate in exclusive Saturday writing Bootcamps with our essay specialists, so they can stay focused on what matters in their writing, and finish drafts before senior year starts.

Whether your student is a straight-A scholar, a scientist, artist, athlete, or an average kid, we can provide the structure to help your child stay ahead of the curve with summer college planning.

If you are concerned about your child’s college prospects, take control of summer college goals and click HERE to schedule a free phone consultation!