Summer Planning: Why You Should Consider a Pre-College Summer Program

There are so many activities your child can participate in over the summer to round out their resume.  Have you considered expanding their experiences with a pre-college summer program?

At Colledge, we can help you find the best pre-college programs across the country or close to home.

The Value of a Pre-College Program

The benefits of attending a pre-college summer program are multilayered.  Many programs provide student housing to attendees, which gives them first-hand experiences of dorm living and college life.  And many programs also allow students to study and work directly with college faculty.

Our Colledge students have created meaningful relationships with professors and researchers who have then become mentors and even advocates on their behalf during the college application process.  Some students have even had faculty write letters of recommendation for college admissions.

Deepening into an area of study – be it engineering, creative writing, film-making, scientific research, ceramics or any other academic area – will inevitably expose your child to new ideas and develop their interests further, even if they decide they are no longer interested in that particular subject.

Colledge Student Examples
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Pre-College Summer Program – Anna G.
Anna already knew she loved ceramics.  She just needed a kiln!  She decided to pursue the RISD program where she was exposed to many kilns and as many pottery wheels and clay as she could get her hands on.  Anna was able to create multiple pieces of high-quality work and develop a theme for several pieces.  She is now a sophomore student at RISD and loving every moment.

University of Southern California (USC) SHINE Program – Bobby C.
Bobby didn’t realize he wanted to pursue Engineering until he immersed himself in the USC SHINE program the summer before his senior year.  The project he was tasked with not only challenged his thinking, it convinced him Engineering was his calling. Bobby is now a junior at Northwestern and will graduate at the top of his class.

For more on how we might help your child select the best summer programs for this year, click HERE to schedule an initial consultation.