Happy Mother’s Day!

If you are a mother of teenagers, we want to celebrate YOU!  From the moment you became a mom, we know you took on the unknown. We know your kindness and care have changed your child’s life for the better.  And we want to recognize the endless hours you have dedicated to nurturing, assisting, encouraging, loving, praising, fighting for, and supporting your children and their education today.

As a mother of two teen daughters, I often wonder if I am too involved in their decision-making process.  Should I allow them to discover things on their own and learn from their mistakes?  Or should I get involved, guiding them to make the “better” choice from my perspective?

But I know today is a day to press pause on these worries, these doubts, and to honor our role as mothers, as our child’s first teacher.  Because let’s face it; the truth is, our teenagers would not be here without us moms!

I hope you can see how valuable you are, and how much you truly matter. May you bask in the moment and lap up the attention, especially from your teenagers.  And if you need help with your child’s college admissions process, we’re HERE.

And students, maybe let your mom follow you on TikTok, just for one day 🙂  Happy Mother’s Day!