Happy Father’s Day!

Colledge College Admissions Advising Fathers Day Blog

Dads: We at Colledge salute you for all you do.  And we want you to know that we appreciate fathers in all shapes, forms, and relative levels of fashion.

We see and value all of the times you (semi-purposefully) made your kid cringe.  We laugh at the extra bad dad jokes (Why do seagulls fly over the sea? If they flew over the bay, they would be bagels), even when your child doesn’t. We know you’ve worked hard to keep things light, keep things loose – we see the value in the extra $10 you slip your child when your co-parent maybe isn’t watching, and we know being sneaky isn’t that easy.

But more than anything, when the chips are down and tension is running high, we know you have your child’s back.  You’re the calm warm hug, or the shoulder to cry on, maybe the one to leave work and bring your kid a Trader Joe’s salad when they forgot lunch at home, and the person cheering most loudly for them at games.  Wishing all of you dads out there a Father’s Day full of dad jokes with as few rolled eyes as your child can muster.

And if you’ve found that editing essays and curating a successful college list is maybe a little outside of your purview, we’re HERE to support you like you support your child.