Colledge Talk | Dollars & Degrees

Colledge College Admissions Advising Dollars+degrees Blog
How to Pay for College

No matter where your child is planning to attend college, one thing is certain: tuition.  And whether you’re just now discovering financial aid options or have been saving and planning for years, everyone could benefit from expert advice in this area.

Colledge is happy to provide exactly this resource through our conversation Dollars and Degrees: How to pay for college. On Thursday, September 15, 2022, our financial aid expert, Sung Ahn, will explain the many forms and sources of financial aid, correct common misconceptions, and review important deadlines.  If you’re a parent of a college-bound student, you don’t want to miss this one!

Getting into college is the first step, but attending college is what changes your child’s life.  Click HERE to sign up.

Students working with Colledge in 2021-22 received average merit aid offers of $95,000 (distributed over 4 years). To learn more about how we work with students on the college admissions process click HERE to schedule a free phone consultation.