Creating a College Admissions Plan for 2020

When it comes to college planning, there is a lot your college-bound junior can accomplish in the first six months of the year that they simply won’t have time for in the fall.  Thinking seriously about college early will allow your child to relax and focus on themselves and what matters most about college.

When time is on your side, there is room for self-discovery and enough time to create an individualized strategy for college success.  There is time for ACT or SAT preparation, time for college tours and information sessions and further research.  There is time to think carefully about majors and careers, and time to think about summer.  There is even time to begin thinking about potential college essay topics J


More than ever, juniors in high school need a college planning resource they can rely on.  They need someone who believes in their true potential and provides guidance and structure so that they use their time wisely!   Your child needs someone who can help them make the best choices with an end-goal for college admission in mind.  That’s what we do at Colledge.

We start by creating a “best fit” college list for our students early in the spring.  Then, we develop an action plan that includes ways your child should pursue deeper research, have more meaningful college visits, and develop a more strategic approach for them to narrow down their college list.

Students are most successful when they have feedback, structure and direction from our consultants.  We want to keep your student moving and we can do this best when we have time and meet on a regular basis.

Now is the time to act if you want your junior to get the guidance they need. We start our contracts in January of junior year, we fill up fast each year and we may not have room as we get closer to college deadlines.

With over 20 years of experience as a college admissions officer and consultant, I know the time and effort it takes to get in to great colleges.  And with a team of experts ready to help, we know the qualities and unique set of strengths colleges seek.

If you want your child to have a calm, meaningful experience with their college planning, call us now.  Together, we can learn how your child likes to work and what matters most to them.  We’ll help you figure out if we’re the right fit for your family. Click to schedule a free phone consultation today!