COVID’s Lingering Effects on College Admissions

And Why Starting Early Is More Important Than Ever

College admissions insiders know that this time of the year is a “tipping point” in the admissions cycle.

It’s the time when one college admissions cycle comes to an end—admissions decisions have been made, and students have accepted their offers.

But as that cycle ends, a new one begins—colleges, high schools, and students start the process of preparing for the next admissions season.

We love this time of year at Colledge.  We’re celebrating the successes of our seniors while starting the process with juniors, sophomores, and first-years embarking on their college admissions journey.

Looking back at this year’s admissions cycle, there’s a lot to celebrate. Colledge clients are headed to awesome schools like Brown, USC, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Northwestern, Barnard, Occidental, Santa Clara (Honors Program), Vanderbilt, Fordham, NYU, and the University of Indiana among so many others.  And get this: 85% of our Colledge clients were accepted to at least one of their top three schools.

Our students accomplished all this despite the chaos COVID has inflicted on the admissions process.  Continuing last year’s trend, the coronavirus-induced collapse in standardized testing has cranked up the number of early decision applications at many schools.  And once again, gap years have factored in—students who took a Corona-cation year or two have added their numbers to an already crowded admissions pool, and increased the competitiveness of the admissions process.

As a result, early admissions has become a more uncertain undertaking, with some students who would have been likely admitted in years past getting deferrals or denials.

What this means is that college admissions is getting even more complicated—and it pays to get an early start.  All students, including juniors and sophomores, can benefit from taking more time to reflect on their interests and passions, explore the college landscape, and identify schools that match their passions and their qualifications early.

We’re ready to help get that process started.  Click HERE to connect with us.  And may your spring be warm and wonderful.