Discover Your Path to College
Success with Colledge

Let's Explore Your College Potential Together

Get Started with a
Free Student Success Call

Curious about how Colledge can help you navigate the college admissions process?
Schedule a free 30-minute student success call with our staff to learn more.

Start Your College Journey
with an Admissions Assessment

Colledge offers customized assessments for students at various stages of their educational journey.

Choose the one that suits you best:

Application Year Student Assessment for Admissions (SAA)

For students in January of 11th grade and up, this comprehensive 90-minute assessment covers everything you need to succeed in the application

Early Start Student Assessment for Admissions (SAA)

Ideal for students in 8th grade through summer before 11th grade, this 60-minute assessment helps you get an early start on your college admissions journey.

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