Admissions Chats | Colorado College

It’s Colledge Admissions Chats time again – our bite-sized online events focused on a particular school and how they approach decisions on who gets in and who doesn’t. For student applicants, admissions prep and skillful presentation carry extraordinary weight in the admissions process because the result of that work is a more prepared student – on “paper” and in person.

This Tuesday, May 10 at 6:00 p.m. PST, we’re excited to feature Colorado College, and its Director of Admissions Matt Bonser, who will talk through the admissions approach of this oft-overlooked, fan-favorite, highly selective small liberal arts college in the Mile-High City.  Matt will talk through this year’s admissions results, and drop some wisdom about how students should think differently about applications on the heels of the pandemic.  You don’t want to miss it.  Sign up HERE.

Kids today are entering a college experience that couldn’t be imagined before 2020. New realities have sharpened our focus. And Colorado College is one school that is looking closely at rigor on the transcript, demonstrated interest, and evidence of scholarly engagement.

Whether it’s general or specific advice you’re looking for, Colledge offers more than five decades of experience in college admissions – in colleges, high schools, and independent counseling.  To schedule a free introductory call to learn more about our college advising services, click HERE.