3 Tips on Letters of Recommendation

What’s the secret to getting good letters of recommendation?

  1. Knowing who to ask
  2. Asking early
  3. Following up and saying “thank you.”

That’s it – it’s pretty simple, really.  And yet it’s an opportunity that students often miss because it feels out of control, and maybe a little bit abstract.

When I work with students, I ask them who their favorite teachers have been.  I’m looking for those teachers who have gone out of their way to get to know my students, maybe even advocated for them.  I ask, “Who cares about you as a person?” and “Which teacher do you chat with outside of class time?”

Letters of recommendation are an opportunity for a student to shine through the eyes of an adult who knows them well.  It is an opportunity for a favorite teacher to advocate for your student, or for a mentor to highlight what is unique about her.

Once we’ve identified the who, the next question is when. Teachers often have to set a limit to the number of letters they will write, so it’s important to ask in spring of junior year – you don’t want to miss the boat. So if your child is a current junior, encourage her to ask her teachers now.

Final wisdom: A great letter can help your child shine next to the thousands of other applicants admissions officers review each year. With all of the changes we’ve seen in the admissions landscape this year, our admissions colleagues across the country are saying the same thing: letters of recommendation are helping to fill in the holes where test scores used to be.

To discuss your child’s specific college application needs, and to learn more about how we work with students and families one-on-one, click HERE to schedule a free phone consultation.