Navigating the Transfer Process: Insights from Chapman University’s Director of Transfer Admission

This Transfer Admissions Interview is part of a three-part Colledge series aimed to demystify the transfer process. Read our Transfer Pro-Tips here and learn how an independent counselor can support your process here.

For many families, the transfer admissions process can be even more complex to navigate than first-year admissions. To help shed some light on this process, our Director of Admission Services, Andy Losier, sat down with Shannon Crogan, the Director of Transfer Admission at Chapman University. We’ve summarized her advice above.

Meet Shannon Crogan:

Shannon Crogan is an expert in the field of transfer admissions, having dedicated a significant portion of her career to helping transfer students find their path to success. Shannon herself is a former transfer student and has been working with transfer students since 2008. 

Common Mistakes in the Transfer Process:

Shannon highlights some of the common mistakes that transfer students make. One of the key errors is not reaching out to universities early in the process. Private institutions like Chapman University are open to transfers, and may even have more flexible admission timelines than public institutions. It’s essential to make contact with transfer advisors as early in the process as possible, whether you’re considering community college or transferring from another four-year college. Remember: the earlier you reach out, the more information you’ll have and the better equipped you’ll be to navigate the intricacies of transferring.

Shannon also emphasizes the importance of taking the transfer process seriously from the beginning. Many students assume that the grades they earn at a two-year college or a different four-year institution won’t matter as much as their high school performance. However, universities pay close attention to your college grades and academic history, as well as your ability to maintain full-time student status. Any gaps in your education should also be explained, as universities are interested in what you were doing during those breaks.

Transfer Deadlines:

Transfer deadlines can vary depending on the institution you’re considering. Private institutions like Chapman typically offer two points of entry for transfers: a fall semester cycle and a midyear spring entry. The application window for the fall cycle typically opens around three months before the deadline, allowing ample time for students to prepare and submit their applications. For example, at Chapman, the application opens in mid-November and closes on February 15th of the following year.

Shannon also notes that many private institutions have later transfer application deadlines compared with those of public universities. This provides students with flexibility to apply to both private and public schools, especially if they’re considering transferring from a four-year institution.

Tips for Four-Year College Transfers:

Shannon distinguishes between two types of transfer students: those starting at community colleges and those currently attending other four-year colleges. For students in the second category, Shannon emphasizes the importance of leaving their current institution with enough time to fill the requirements of the desired transfer institution. Why? Each university has its unique curriculum and graduation requirements, and the longer you stay, the more challenging it can become to fit into your new school’s framework. It’s crucial to reach out to your prospective transfer university early in the process and plan your transition effectively.

Plan Ahead for Transfer Success

Navigating the transfer process can be complex, but with the guidance of experts like Colledge, transfer students can make a successful transition to their desired institutions. Early communication with transfer advisors, understanding application deadlines, and making informed decisions about the timing of your transfer can greatly improve your chances of a smooth transition.

If you’re considering the transfer process, don’t hesitate to reach out for personalized guidance. Your educational journey is unique, and we’d love to help you achieve your academic goals. Click here to schedule a call today.

Thanks again to Shannon for sharing her expert knowledge, and good luck on your transfer journey!