How to Write Your Way Into College

Summer is here.  And if you’re a rising senior, or a parent of one, you know what that means: it’s time for you to pull a masterwork of writing genius out of your hat.  Right? Well, not quite.

As an admissions reader, I’d like to share a little-known fact about college essays with you: admissions officers aren’t looking for the perfect essay topic.

Admissions officers are looking for great community members, creative thinkers, reflective thoughtful humans, passionate leaders, students who align with their unique institutional priorities in the essays. So showing readers that you are a nice person who might be a great roommate will go farther than touting your achievements or rehashing your resume.

They are looking for you, and they want to see how you’ll fit with what they have to offer.

Essay writing isn’t about finding the perfect topic, or being the next Ernest Hemmingway, it’s about authenticity.  That’s right — just figure out what’s true about you and write from there.

When I work with students, I always remind them to focus on what they can control rather than worrying about what they can’t. And the college essay is something the student can control.

So ask yourself: what do I care deeply about? What experiences have changed me? What relationships have helped me become who I am? And when you have an answer, don’t stop there: ask yourself “why?” “What was the significance? What did that MEAN to me?”

Protip: Admissions readers are reading literally hundreds, even thousands of applications every single year.  So they know when something rings true, and when it’s kinda…well, not.  So write your heart out, dig deep, and let them see the real you.

To discuss your child’s specific college application needs, and to learn more about how we work with students and families one-on-one, click HERE to schedule a free phone consultation.