Colledge Talk | Parental Units and Their Place in the Admissions Process

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The college admissions scandal of 2019 put a spotlight (or a bullseye) on the role of parents in the college application process.  Beyond the hype, the truth is that parents can act with integrity while playing a crucial part in their student’s path to college.

Our next Colledge Talk on Sunday, May 16th at 6 p.m., will explore roles parents play in college admissions with an expert on the subject, Fran Scoble, who served as the head of the prestigious Westridge School in Pasadena.  With more than three decades of experience, Fran is a wealth of knowledge about education and college, having written two books and served on the board of Scripps College.

We’ll be talking to Fran about how parents can support students throughout the college admissions process.  From college lists to college visits, applications to essays, there is a place for parents, and our conversation with Fran will shed light on the many ways in which appropriate parental involvement can elevate and enhance a student’s journey toward higher education.

Click HERE to sign up for the session on May 16th at 6 p.m.

At Colledge, we been helping parents find their place in the college admissions process for years.  Our structured, experience-based, listening-focused approach to the college admissions process has helped hundreds of families successfully navigate the complex waters of getting into college.  For more information on our services, click HERE.